Selling Your Success™
Your Trusted Partner for Selling Private Securities.


Helping Qualified Purchasers Capture Profits!
Investing in new, or emerging, opportunities within private markets is not a new concept to the Qualified Purchaser. However, unlike public markets, where investors can buy and sell securities in a liquid market - those investors interested in private market transactions have fewer, illiquid, options to capture a return on their investment. This creates a serious problem for those looking to capture profits and redeploy them into new, future, opportunities.
Sell Side Securities™ offers a platform, network, and resources to those investor groups seeking to reap the rewards from the risks they took investing in Seed, Series A, and
Series B opportunities. With less than 20% of Seed stage companies progressing to Series A rounds, and nearly half of Series A round companies progressing to Series B, the
statistical odds an investor will realize a profit on their original investment is quite low.
By offering sellers an opportunity to capture a 5x, 10x, 25x, or 100x return on their initial investment Sell Side Securities™ plays a critical role in meeting the needs of many Qualified Purchasers, Accredited Investors, Private Fund Advisors, and Early Stage Venture Capital firms.
Helping Private Fund Advisors & Venture Capital Firms Return Equity To LPs!
Directly investing in private companies comes with many risks (e.g. liquidity, industry, geographic, management, and more). While Qualified Purchasers and Accredited Investors tend to limit their number of private placements due to resources, or a lack of due diligence, Early Stage Venture Capital firms - and the Private Fund Advisors that support them - use structured and methodical strategies to invest in many dozens, if not hundreds, of private companies.
While every investor seeks to quantify a return on their investment, it is vital for Early Stage Venture Capital firms to realize a return on their investments through a process known
as DPI, or Distributions To Paid-In Capital. For example, an initial investment that has increased 5x over a few years could very easily grow to 10x, or end up at 0x, over the next few
years. This is why Venture Capital firms typically have a dual mandate to balance the opportunity of future growth within an investment against their ability to raise capital in a future vintage year. The higher a vintage year’s DPI the easier it tends to be to raise future capital in an upcoming capital raise.
Therefore, to support Private Fund Advisors and Early Stage Venture Capital firms seeking to liquidate the underlying investments within certain vintage years Sell Side Securities™
uses our platform, network, and resources to match sellers with buyers at the most favorable exit price for our clients.

Why We Serve

Bringing Back “The Handshake Deal”
Traditional investing in today’s world seems to be headed toward robotic automation as the use of artificial intelligence moves from science fiction to science fact. Yet the value these technologies purport to offer takes away much of the “human factor” of deal making. The true art of negotiation, and the belief in the unknown, is lost in a world of algorithms. It’s why our clients prefer the human touch, the personal element, or more simply stated… what we call “The Modern Handshake Deal™”.
At Sell Side Securities™ we believe the success our clients seek is found when traditional relationships are combined with
advanced technology and carefully tailored liquidation strategies. Any secondary market platform can sell equity between two parties, but try having it explain the mission, vision, values, and passion of the Founder, or investment, to new investor groups! We are the “X” factor…
The Modern Handshake Deal™ uses battle tested negotiation tactics, internal valuation modeling, essential storytelling strategies, mutually agreeable contractual terms, and much more to pursue premium exit prices for our clients. It is our belief that people do not invest in things… they invest in people they can trust. Whether it is an Qualified Purchaser or an Accredited Investor investing directly in a company, a Qualified Purchaser investing in a Venture Capital firm, a Private Fund Advisor
advising a Venture Fund, or a client hiring Sell Side Securities™... each one invests in people first… the amount invested comes second.
For these reasons at Sell Side Securities™ “The Modern Handshake Deal™” becomes the basis for our Core Values, culture, negotiation strategy, valuation methodology, and so much more.
How We Serve
Our Services
For decades Qualified Purchasers, and to a lesser extent Accredited Investors, have taken immense gambles with investing in private companies. While some have yielded “unicorn-like” returns the vast majority are turned into “What If” stories over Thanksgiving dinners.
At Sell Side Securities™, we recognize that selling private securities in the secondary market is about more than just closing a transaction — it’s about delivering value, preserving trust, and securing your financial future. Our approach combines advanced methodologies with “The Modern
Handshake Deal™,” where technology meets the human factor to achieve optimal outcomes for our clients.
We begin by aligning our strategy to your goals, whether capturing a 5x or 25x return, navigating liquidity challenges,
or reinvesting in new opportunities. Using proprietary valuation modeling and detailed market analysis, we position your securities to attract strategic, financial, or individual buyers who see the same potential you once did. Our carefully tailored marketing strategies, including customized Confidential Information Memorandums (CIMs), allow us to share the story of your investment in a way no algorithm can.
Every step — buyer outreach, due diligence coordination, and negotiation — is guided by seasoned professionals with one purpose: optimizing your returns. We balance your need for discretion and efficiency with battle-tested negotiation strategies, securing not just the highest price but the right buyer for your asset.
Even after closing, our support continues, from ensuring legal compliance to advising on reinvestment strategies. At Sell Side Securities™, we believe that people invest in trust, not transactions. That’s why our mission is to deliver results that align with your goals, rooted in relationships, and driven by a
relentless pursuit of excellence.